Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Secular argument for keeping marriage unchanged

On 24 May Theresa May, Minister for Women and Equalities’ came out in support of “gay” marriage.  The Government claims that this is an equality issue. But it is not – equality means equal rights for equal roles. 

For the state and for society at large, marriage is for the procreation of the next generation and for nurturing it within the stability of the family. Homosexuals are not equals with heterosexuals in this context for they cannot procreate – though they have an equal right for their relationships to be recognised by the state. Ministers should note that opposition comes not only from Christians and Muslims but from a majority who perceive, albeit often indistinctly, that heterosexual marriage is an essential for the state.        

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is overtaken by events = it seems the gay marriage crowd have sown up all three parties in the Commons and in the Lords. So be careful what you say. You may mose your job or even find yourself in Jail!!!